Friday 10 February 2012

Dreams & Aspirations

This is a film poster created on photoshop, the name of the film is Dreams & Aspirations. The images I have chosen are things I like, for instance, the beach in the background is Hawaii because i've always to go there. The dog represents my favourite book "Cujo" by Stephen King who is my favourite authour. Lion King is my favourite film which is the image at the top accompanied by a lily which is one of my favourite flowers. I chose my favourite actors and actresses to star in the film and the release date is a friends birthday.

Friday 6 January 2012

Body parts

These are the pictures Me, Kieran and Stacey took for the favourite parts of our body. Mainly we focused on eyes and hands.

Snow Scene

I did this using a picture from google images. I put it onto photoshop and and made it a bit duller to look like a winter day, then I added different layers to create snow and some movement. I also added crystals to look like bigger snowflakes. Essentially creating a snow scene.

Friday 18 November 2011

Lyric background

I used ink to do this background, I dripped it down the page for a nice effect and wiped the different colours into eachother to look like a rainbow. I put it onto photoshop and added lyrics.

Circles and lines

These are simple circles and lines that we fitted different letters into the curves and lines.


These are backgrounds done in ink, the first one is done with ink and pastel and is the background for a quote. The second one is a background for lyrics.

Repeated pattern

This is a reapeated patteren, I chose my favourite image from our creative review pictures and copied it over the page and coloured is with crayon.